What is Pushkara ?
Pushkaram or Pushkaralu (in Telugu), Pushkara or Pushkar is an Indian festival dedicated to worshipping of rivers.Pushkara or Pushkar is a Sanskrit word derived from the element of Push (Pushti) meaning nourishment and Kara means one who does it. Pushkara is the energy that nourishes. With reference to the sacred rivers, Pushkara means the one who energize the rivers and provide spiritual purification. Pushkara also means Lotus, sanctified water, Swan, Sword, Sky, Lake Etc… In Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stothram sloka # 5 we find a reference to the word Pushkara where Lord Sri Maha Vishnu is referred to as Pushkaraakshah meaning the one who has lotus eyes, the one who provides nourishment to the entire Universe and the one who is always present in sacred Theerthas. In Tirumala Kshethra the water tank near Sri Varaha Swamy temple is known as Swamy Pushkarini.
Astrology also we find a reference to the word Pushkara referred to as
Pushkara Navamsa that purifies and nourishes the quality of the planet
placed within it. In Electional Astrology especially for a marriage
muhurtha we find preference being given for Pushkara Navamsa for a given
Lagna that brings strength to the muhurtha chart. Pushkar is the name
of a famous pilgrim center known as Pushkara Kshetra located in
Rajasthan about 17 km from Ajmer city. It is said and believed that the
lake here known as Pushkara Lake was the creation of Lord Brahma on the
banks of which He performed penance for several thousands of years.
You will find here one of the very few temples where Lord Brahma is
worshipped. Pushkara also indicates the 12 years time factor in Vedic
terms. Pushkara or Pushkaram is a festival of a particular river
celebrated once in twelve years based on the transit of Jupiter
(Brihaspathi) in the zodiac.
Who is Pushkara?
per scripts it is said that Pushkara is the son of Lord Varuna the
Presiding Deity of all the rivers. As per the legend behind, it is said
that, once Pushkara prayed Lord Brahma and asked Him for a boon to live
in the sacred waters (emanated from the foot of Primordial Lord Sri
Maha Vishnu) of His Kamandalu with the intention of providing purity to
all the Theerthas (Rivers). Looking at the selfless desire expressed by
Pushkara, Lord Brahma granted him the boon to live in the waters of His
Kamandalu. Later, Pushkara also performed penance and acquired the Jala
Tattva Siddhi from Lord Shiva as a boon. By virtue of the boons
acquired from Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva, Pushkara became the King of
all Theerthas and was regarded as the Theerthapalaka.
Pushkara & Brihaspathi (Jupiter)
that time when Pushkara acquired the boons, Brihaspathi (Jupiter) the
Devaguru also performed penance and pleased Lord Brahma. Looking at the
perpetual sacredness of Pushkara, Brihaspathi wanted Lord Brahma to
spare Pushkara to be with him permanently. But Pushkara was not
prepared to go along with Brihaspathi. Then, Lord Brahma resolved the
situation by asking Pushkara to be associated with Brihaspathi (Jupiter)
for 12 days in the beginning and 12 days at the end of his sojourn in a
particular raasi (house) in the zodiac, the transit of which generally
happens once in a year. Accordingly, twelve sacred rivers have been
identified in which Pushkara enters each River once in twelve years
coinciding with the transit period of Jupiter in twelve zodiac signs.
Pushkara Schedule & Blessed Rivers
has become a custom and tradition since time immemorial to celebrate
the transit of Jupiter in a particular house in the zodiac as the
Pushkara festival of a particular river. The schedule is as follows..
schedule starts with Ganga River when Jupiter enters into Mesha Raasi
which is the first sign in the zodiac. Pushkara schedule for a
particular river will be for one year, however, the first twelve days
known as Aadi Pushkara and the last twelve days known as Anthya Pushkara
are held to be highly sacred.
Merits & Significance
Jupiter (Brihaspathi) the Devaguru is the most benevolent planet
symbolizing the wealth, fortune, learning, knowledge, divinity, progeny,
domestic peace, auspiciousness and above all the karaka for occurrence
of Pushkaram. Pushkara the Theertharaja always resides in the Kamandalu
of Lord Brahma in the sanctified waters that has emerged out from the
foot of Lord Sri ManNarayana. Entry of Pushkara into a particular river
signifies the Pushkara festival when, all the Brahmaadi Devathas, all
the Sages, all the Pithru Devathas, all the Theerthas in this
Bhoomandala including Ganga (Ganges) enters into that particular river
along with Brihaspathi and Pushkara. This time of their entry into a
particular river is considered as highly sacred and celestial that has
the power to diminish the ghastly and dreadful sins committed. Having
darshan, taking bath, touching Pushkara waters, drinking the sacred
waters of Pushkara is considered to be highly meritorious and soul
cleansing. It is considered as the most sacred time to perform rites to
forefathers on the banks of Pushkara River that will help them to
attain salvation.
Pushkara Vidhi
ancient seers have prescribed certain austerities to be observed during
Pushkara time known as Pushkara Vidhi. Most important are Pushkara
Snana (taking bath), Pushkara Vaasa (staying), Pushkara Darshana, Siro
Mundana (tonsuring of head), Fasting, Pushkara Pithru Karma, and
Pushkara Dana (charity).
Pushkara Snana
Hindu philosophy lot of significance has been given for taking bath
which is Nithya karma and that too in a flowing river is considered as
the paramount. Exclusive Snana Vidhi has been prescribed by our elders
the details of which will be covered in future posts. Taking bath in a
sacred river during Parvakala is still more auspicious and when it is
the days of Pushkara the merits are manifold. It is said that during
Pushkara all the Brahmaadi Devathas, Sages and Pithru Devathas will be
residing in that Theertha (River) along with Brihaspathi and Pushkara.
During Pushkara all the theerthas in the Universe will be entering into
that particular river and will be flowing as Antarvahini.
bath in a Pushkara river will help to cleanse the inner selves, wash
out the evil tendencies and open up a path for a righteous living. This
bath should be taken early in the morning before Sunrise during Brahmi
Muhurtham which is highly meritorious time. It is believed that
Pushkara Snana also has curative properties from chronic ill health.
After Pushkara Snana one has to pray and give Arghya to the concerned
Pushkara Theertha (River), Theertha Raja (Pushkara), Brihaspathi, Lord
Vishnu who is eternally present in all the Theerthas, Brahmaadi
Devathas, Vasishtaadi Sages, Gangaadi Rivers and the Sun God (Sri Surya
Pushkara – Pithru Karma
Yagna like performing Pithru Shraaddha, Tharpana have been prescribed
to get discharged from Pithru Runa. This has been in vogue since time
immemorial and even Avathara Purushas like Sri Ramachandra (Lord Sri
Rama), Lord Parashurama have performed Pithru karma. We, the human
beings are no exception to this dictum. Performing Pithru Karma during
Pushkara days also forms part of the Pithru Yagna which is considered as
highly sacred and meritorious. Only those who have lost their parents
are eligible to perform the sacred rites to their fore-fathers. Pithru
karma during Pushkara days has to be performed for all the deceased
(Sarva Pithru). It has to be performed on the banks of the sacred
Pushkara River like a Theertha Shraaddha.
has to be performed preferably in the form of Anna Shraaddha with Pinda
Pradhana and Brahmana Bhojana. Hiranya Shraaddha is also in vogue
where instead of rice, wheat flour is used for making Pindas and instead
of Brahmana Bhojana they will be offered Dakshina. Pushkara shraaddha
can be performed on any day during the 12 day period of Pushkaram, or on
the 9th day or on the Pithru thithi day if it coincides
except on the day of Ekadasi. It is said and believed that Pithrus
(fore-fathers) will descend on Earth during Pushkara days and will
reside on the banks of Pushkara River longing for their off-spring to
perform Pithru Shraaddha. Performing Pushkara shraaddha, one will be
bestowed with blessings from fore-fathers, peace and prosperity to the
family. It will also work as remedy for various mundane problems one is
facing in life related to marriage, progeny, health, poverty etc.
Pushkara Dana (Charity)
Pushkara period Snana, Shraaddha and Dana are considered to be highly
meritorious that gives eternal results. This charity (Dana) can be
given to Brahmins in the form of Dasa Dana (10 in number) or Shodasa
Dana (16 in number). Some of the charities prescribed are as follows.
Dana, Gold, Silver, Bhoo-Dana, Rice, Ghee, Jaggery, Honey, Grandha
(sacred text), Vasthra, Paada Raksha (Chappals), Umbrella, Hand Stick,
Fan, Sayya (Bedding), Phala (Fruits), Bell (Ghanta), Paathra
(brass/silver vessel), Asana (Mat), Nava Dhanya, Milk, Cow, Salagrama,
Pinda Daana.
Cultural beliefs:
According to brahmanda purana, what ever sins committed in this life and past life will be vanished and attain virtues by doing bath in river at the time of Pushkara. Pushkara snan will give equal benefits which are equivalent to doing of Ashvamedha Yag. Meditation at Narmadha river,Charity at Kurukshetra place, death in Kasi town are consider as the most auspicious but doing bath at the time of Pushkar will give all the three benefits. Ancient texts such as Rig veda 1.23 also explained the powers of water.

A popular story behind Pushkaram was Sages at ancient times requested Lord Varun(the king of all water bodies) to stay in 12 rivers every year.As per their request, he promised to stay in 12 rivers as per the planet Jupiter movements around sun. When ever planet Jupiter enters in to a zodiac sign, each river gets Pushkar.
As per the scripts, Lord Pushkara is the son of Lord Varuna. Pushkar prayed Lord Brahma and acquired a boon to live in sacred waters to purify them.He also prayed Lord Shiva and attain 'Jala Tattva Siddhi'( Physics of waters) and became king of all sacred waters and named as 'Theerdhapalaka' (Ruler of Sacred waters). Later to this Lord Jupiter prayed Lord Brahma to keep Pushkara along with him but, Pushkar refused it and Lord Brahma resolved conflict by requesting pushkar to stay with Jupiter for 24 days(12 days at beginning + 12 days at ending) when Lord Jupiter enters each Zodiac Sign. Based on the planet Jupiter movement in Zodiac sign Lord Pushkar enters 12 sacred rivers in India. The river for each year festival is based on the presence of Jupiter on which Zodiac sign by that time. The pushkaram lasts for a period as long as the Jupiter remains in that particular Zodiac sign.
Here is the List of sacred rivers and the zodiac sign.
Name of the river Zodiac sign
Ganges Aries
Narmada Taurus
Saraswathi Gemini
Yamuna Cancer
Godavari Leo
Krishna Virgo
Kaveri libra
Tambrapani Scorpio
Brahmaputhra Sagittarius
Tungabhadra Capricom
Indus Aquarius
Pranahita Pisces
The river Godavari is the longest river in Southern India and called as “Dakshina Ganga”.Godavari pushkarams ( గోదావరి పుష్కరాలు ) is a festival of River Godavari which occurs once in 12 years.The pushkaram festival last held in the year 2003.During Godavari pushkaram pilgrims from all over the country will have a holy dip with the belief that they would be relieved from all sins,and perform rituals to departed souls.It is believed that during pushkaram all deities and rishies take holy dip,a holy dip in Godavari which will enhance one's spritual,mental and physical abilities.
Godavari pushkaram 2015 Dates:
Godavari Pushkaram will start on 14th July 2015. This year’s ‘Pushkarams’ are called ‘Maha Kumbhamela’. This ‘Maha Kumbhamela’ comes once every 144 years.
There are 24 days in a ‘Pushkaram’. The first 12 days (14th July 2015 to 25th July 2015) of Pushkaram is called ‘Aadi Pushkaram’ and last 12 days is called ‘Anthya Pushkaram’.
Why dip at Rajahmundry in Godavari Pushkarams ?
The Godavari originates near Nasik in Maharashtra. It flows for 1,465 kilometres, first eastwards across the Deccan Plateau then turns southeast, entering the West Godavari district and East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh, until it splits into two watercourses that widen into a large river delta and flow into the Bay of Bengal. So many sub rivers merged to the Godavari till Papikondalu ( Papi Hills) near Rajahmundry. But after Papikondalu The River called as "Akhanda Godavari". So at Rajahmundry the river is more sacred and powerful. Lakhs of devotees are expected to come to Rajahmundry from all over the world for this years pushkarams.
గోదావరి పుష్కరాలు- విశిష్టత :
అన్ని నదుల్లాగే గోదావరికి కూడా 12 ఏళ్ళకి ఒకసారి తనలో పుష్కరుడు ప్రవేశించిన సందర్భంగా పుష్కరాలొస్తాయి. అంతే కదా అనుకోవడం పొరబాటు. పవిత్రమైన గంగా నదిలో 60 వేల సార్లు స్నానం చేసిన ఫలితం పుష్కర గోదావరిలో ఒక్కసారికే లభిస్తుందని మన పురాణాలు స్పష్టం చేసాయి.శ్లోకం: సింహరాశింగతే-స్వర్గే మర్త్యే రసాతలే !
యానివై సంతి తీర్థాని గౌతమ్యాం తాని సంతిహి !!
అర్థం: బృహస్పతి సింహ రాశి యందున్నప్పుడు, సమస్త లోకములందలి పుణ్య తీర్థములును, గోదావరి యందే చేరి యుండును. అనగా పుణ్యార్థులు ఆ సమయంలో గోదావరిలో స్నానం చేయాలి.ఇంకా ఏ నదిలో చేసినా అంత పుణ్యం లభించదు.
blogs : http://bhargavasarma.blogspot.in